I began my journey within the health and fitness industry back in 2012, over that time I have trained hundreds of individuals from every walk of life, from people who are wanting to get into the best shape of their life, to sport specific performance and injury rehabilitation.
But, over my 10-year career, what is the biggest mistake I have ever made?
It is without a doubt not going self-employed earlier!
Going self-employed allowed me to have the freedom to incorporate my own principles into a brand with like-minded coaches, the result – GymGeek.
Fast forward almost 2 years and we have developed GymGeek into the leading sports science team locally and not only that we have also designed and completed the project of building our very own state-of- the art purpose-built facility to generate the most amount of progress for our members and clients possible!
And all of this was made possible by firstly taking the plunge into self-employment and then amidst a pandemic we made the Gym Geek brand into its own company, to create what you see today, and the best part… We’re only just getting started.