Chaining room policy
Changing Room Policy
Guidelines on Changing Rooms
The aim of this policy is to provide coaches, parents, and members with guidance regarding conduct in changing rooms, whilst this list is not exhaustive; it will serve as a basic guide and will be reviewed annually.
The policy maybe subject to immediate change to reflect a change in legislation or circumstances that may arise.
The decency of all parties is of paramount importance and appropriate steps should be taken to ensure that there is compliance with this policy.
1.All young people using changing rooms will be supervised by two members of the team who have current enhanced CRB disclosures.
2.Where possible coaches should ensure that no more than 2 people and not less than 2 people take responsibility for the supervision of young people within changing rooms.
3.Separate facilities should be made available for mixed gender teams
4.(In the case where separate facilities are not available, then each gender must be dressed to sweat-suit level before joining together).
5.Coaches should not offer to do tasks of a personal nature which a young person could do for themselves, unless requested to do so by a parent/guardian
6.Parents do not have an automatic right to be present in the changing room.
7.If a young person is uncomfortable changing and showering, no pressure should be put on them to do so.
8.Adult staff (e.g. coaches, physios) should not change or shower at the same time using the same facility as the members.
9.Members should not be allowed to change in public places, such as gym floor.
10.Whilst every effort should be made to accommodate safe changing spaces for young people it maybe necessary for establishments to erect temporary changing facilities. This should be in accordance with the points raised earlier.
Issued 01/11/2021 issue 1